All our Airfields work are planned and designed in 3D environment in order to be part of the overall BIM model of the airfield utilities.
Aviation Fuel Hydrant System
Ongoing communications throughout the project between the system designer/consultant, the apron project designer/consultant and other stake holder are essential, 3D BIM Model ease the communications and the coordination works.
We use in-house developed Automated Hydrant Pit positional tool for optimum location selection based on aircraft position, aircraft code/type, refuellers types and operational constrains.
A wrong position of a hydrant fuel pit can result in taking the pit out-of-service, special consideration are taken to avoid such incidents.
Valve Chambers
For easy operation of the hydrant system, the system should be divided into loops or sections, this is also a requirement by international standards (EI 1540 Design, construction, commissioning, maintenance and testing of aviation Fueling facilities). Isolation valve vaults are introduced into the system to facilitate the operation of the hydrant system.