“Fuel farms are one of an airport’s most critical facilities. They are designed to withstand several days of demand without receiving external fuel supplies. A failure at these sites could ground aircraft and consequently lead to damages to passengers”
Total storage capacity is determined from the maximum quantity of fuel that needs to be available for a given period, the supply method and its security, batch size, operational convenience and future anticipated growth. The storage tank capacity for each airport should be carefully considered as it not only involves a considerable capital expenditure but also a significant investment in working capital cost of stock. Knowing the product supply rate (either pipeline flow or number of road bridgers, rail tankers, barges or ships per day), the time taken to fill a tank of a given size can be determined. During the time a tank is being filled and subsequently settled, fuel cannot be issued from it and therefore two tanks are the minimum required to ensure a continuous fueling service. For larger depots, a third tank is recommended so that one tank can be filling and one settling while the third is supplying into hydrant or loading refuellers.