It is with great pride and honour that hansaconsult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH team enters the JIG (Joint Inspection Group) Member 10-years ‘Hall of Fame’ and we look forward to the next decade and beyond.
Our team highly appreciates the technical guidance provided by JIG in the form of the Standards, Bulletins and Newsletters, which allow us to stay up-to-date with the fast-moving industry regulations. By applying it to the design and engineering of the aviation fuel infrastructure, the safe and efficient delivery of clean jet fuel to the aircraft is ensured.
In 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, JIG Bulletin-128 – ‘Unused sections of the hydrant should be maintained at normal pressure and monitored to ensure integrity (holds pressure) and that there is no water ingress into the hydrant from flanges and similar.’ We have supported airports worldwide to ensure that our systems assisted them in fulfilling this guideline”.